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Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

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Bargainser is a tool that serves as an electrical power strip that goes into houses, it also serves as a measure of the amount of electric power house was used (in kWh). There are various restrictions issued by PLN's power for residential consumption, which is 220 VA, 450 VA, 900 VA, 1,300 VA and 2,200 VA.
In bargainser there are three main parts, namely:
- Or Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB, serves to cut off electrical power automatically if the power is delivered exceeds the limit value. MCB this is an on / off and can also serve as the main switch in the house. If the MCB bargainser is in the off condition, then the entire flow of electricity in the house was stopped. The switch is normally turned off when the electrical installation repairs will be done at home.

- Electric Meters or kWh meter, this instrument serves to measure the amount of power used by residential houses are in units of kWh (kilowatt hour). In bargainser, electric meters tangible series of numbers in an analog or digital that will change according to the use of electric power.

- Spin Control, a control device power usage in the residence and will always be spinning as long as there electrical power is used. Turnover spin control will be semakain quickly if electric power is used the greater, and will slow down if the power is used less / less.

At the output channel Bargainser usually there are 3 wires, ie the phase wires, neutral wire and ground wires are connected to the ground. Of electricity should be connected with bargainser first before going into residential electrical installations.


Residential electrical installation also requires a security that serves to disconnect the electrical circuit when an interruption in the residential electrical installations, such as the interruption of short circuit or short circuit or shorted.

There are two types of electrical safety in residential electrical installations, namely:
- Safety ordinary or so-called melting fuses, safety devices are working to decide how to merge the electrical circuit with a wire that is placed on a tube when the wire is dialairi electric current of a certain size.

- Safety thermic power, commonly called the MCB and is a safety device that will decide the electrical circuit based on the heat.


The switch or switches is a component of an electrical installation that serves to connect or disconnect the electricity at a pemghantar.
Based on the magnitude of the voltage, the switch can be divided into:
- Low-voltage switches.
- Medium voltage switches.
- Switch high voltage and very high.

While based on the place and its installation, the switch can be divided into:
- The switch in-bow, which is planted in the wall switch.
- Switch out-bow, the switch is mounted on the wall surface.

The next switch types can be distinguished by function, namely:
- Switch on-off, a switch that works to connect the electrical current if the button is pressed on the on position. To disconnect the electric current, the switch must be pressed in the off position. The switch of this type usually used for the light switch.

- Push-on switch, a switch that connects the electrical current if the button is pressed at the position on and it will automatically cut off electrical current, when the button is released and returns to the off position by itself. Usually this type of switch used to switch the bell house.

Based on the type of per-unit, the switch can be divided into two types, namely:
- Single switch, a switch which only has one input channel connected to a power source, and output channel connected to the electrical load / power tool use.

- Switch compound, is a switch that has one input channel connected to a power source, but has a lot of output channel is connected with some of the load / power tools are used. Number of output channel depends on the number of buttons on the switch.


Outlets, some say the outlet, an electrical component that serves as a mouth of the relationship between the electrical appliance with electrical flow. In order for an electric appliance connected to an electrical outlet, then the necessary cables and plugs or plugs that will be plugged in the socket.

Based on the shape and function, the socket can be divided into two kinds, namely:
- A small receptacle, a socket with two holes (canals) which serves to supply power at low power to electrical devices through the plug which is also a small type.

- Stop great contacts, also nerupakan socket with two AC channels are equipped with a metal plate on top and bottom sides of canal that serves as an air conditioner ground.sakelar this type typically used for greater power.

While based on the place of installation. There are two types of outlets, namely:
- The socket in the bow, is a terminal which is installed inside the wall.
- The socket bow out, which is installed outside the wall or simply placed on the surface of the wall socket when it functions as a portable.


Staker or a plug or sometimes commonly called an outlet, because it is in the form of two metal plugs and an electrical device that serves to connect the power tool with the power, plugged in the outlet channel so that the electrical appliance can be used.

Based on the function and form, the plug also has two types, namely:
- A small plug, a plug used to connect electrical devices low-power, such as a lamp or small radio, a power source or outlet.

- The plug is large, is a plug that is used for power tools are helpless large, such as refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines and others, with the power source or outlet. The plug type is equipped with a metal plate to the canal that serves as a safety ground.

To learn more about the PLUG and SOCKET, please read the article here.

The power cord is an electrical component that serves to deliver electrical energy to the sources of electrical load or power tools.

For residential electrical installation, the cable type used is usually as follows:
- HIS, this type of cable is PVC insulated electrical wire and cored / contains a single wire. Air or cable type is not planted in soil. The power cord is usually red, black, yellow or blue. Penghantarnya wire insulation is only one layer, so it is not strong enough to friction, gencetan / pressure or animal bites such as mice. Because of the weakness in the insulation is then required in the installation by using the outer coating of PVC pipe or metal conduit.
- NYM, a PVC insulated electrical wire and cored wire is more than one, there are 2, 3 or 4. Type of aerial cable with outer insulation color is usually white and color isolation in different parts, because the insulation is double the power cables NYM is relatively more robust against friction or gencetan / pressure.

- NYY, this type of electrical wiring is PVC insulated wires, cored 2, 3 or 4 with the color black outer insulation. This type of ground wire, so impervious to water and gencetan or pressure.

- NYMHYO, this type of cable is a stranded cable with a core consisting of two pieces of two colors. This type of cable commonly used in loudspeaker, sound system, lights a small to moderate power.

Similarly, the introduction of equipment at a glance-electrical equipment for residential electrical installations, information functions, shape / construction and workings of each tool is a general explanation.

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